Welcome to the Shop for PT Computing! We're thrilled to have you here. Explore a wide range of resources in computing, business, relevant law, and media studies. With over 34k views and 20k downloads, our customers love the quality of our work. Take a look around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Happy shopping!
Welcome to the Shop for PT Computing! We're thrilled to have you here. Explore a wide range of resources in computing, business, relevant law, and media studies. With over 34k views and 20k downloads, our customers love the quality of our work. Take a look around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Happy shopping!
This resource for the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 21: Training & Development
(All Learning Aims A-C) includes PowerPoints for all of the learning aims A-C
Learning aim A: A Investigate training and development in a selected business
Learning aim B: Examine the planning and delivery of training programmes in a selected business
Learning aim C: Develop an appropriate induction programme for a group of new starters in a selected business.
All lesson PowerPoints have not only the theory, but learning objectives, do it now activities/questions and review questions.
Also included in this resource are exam style questions and worksheets, answer sheets for teachers to ease marking. As well as all of the above there are flash cards to reinforce knowledge, activity sheets and Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes that are great for instant Assessment for Learning.
This resource for the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 20: Investigating Corporate Social Responsibilities
(All Learning Aims A-C) includes PowerPoints for all of the learning aims A-C
Learning aim A: Examine the CSR issues facing large private sector businesses
Learning aim B: Investigate the benefits and drawbacks for businesses of
adopting a CSR policy
Learning aim C: Review the CSR record of a private sector business
All lesson PowerPoints have not only the theory, but learning objectives, do it now activities/questions and review questions.
Also included in this resource are exam style questions and worksheets, answer sheets for teachers to ease marking. As well as all of the above there are flash cards to reinforce knowledge, activity sheets and Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes that are great for instant Assessment for Learning.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 6: Principles of Management (All Learning Aims A-F)
The resource includes teacher made PowerPoints for every learning aim in Unit 6: Principles of Management (All Learning Aims A-F).
A - The definitions and functions of management
B - Management and leadership styles and skills
C - Managing human resources
D - Factors influencing management, motivation and performance of the workforce
E - Impact of change
F - Quality management
This resource also includes 4 different assessment practice activities as well as various other worksheets, quizzes and key terms sheets.
Please check my seller page for more resources from a range of units and qualifications.
A bundle of BTEC Level 3 Business units 11-20! Save 20% by purchasing a bundle rather than paying individually. Please click on each image on the resources viewer to be linked to that particular unit for a in depth explanation of what is included in each resource pack.
A bundle of BTEC Business Level 3 units - please click on the image for each individual unit for more information on what is included for that specific unit.
A bundle of BTEC Business Level 3 units - please click on the image for each individual unit for more information on what is included for that specific unit.
A bundle of BTEC Business Level 3 units - please click on the image for each individual unit for more information on what is included for that specific unit.
A bundle of BTEC Business Level 3 units - please click on the image for each individual unit for more information on what is included for that specific unit.
A bundle of BTEC Business Level 3 units - please click on the image for each individual unit for more information on what is included for that specific unit.
A bundle of BTEC Business Level 3 units - please click on the image for each individual unit for more information on what is included for that specific unit.
his resource includes 8 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria.
1.1 The fundamentals and principles of business and how they are applied
1.2 Common business models and organisational structures
1.3 The responsibilities of corporate governance within an organisation
1.4 The principles of taxation and how they are applied
1.5 The role of the government in controlling and directing the economy
1.6 Solutions-based approaches to decision-making in accounting
1.7 The factors influencing the quality and effectiveness of business
1.8 Analysis of the internal and external business environments
There are also 8 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
Save a gigantic 50% when you buy the Business BTEC Level 3 Super bundle. This resource could cover the entire BTEC Extended Diploma and more!
Please click on each image to be directed to the page for each individual bundle for more information on that particular unit.
A bundle of BTEC Level 3 Business units 1-9! Save 12% by purchasing a bundle rather than paying individually. Please click on each image on the resources viewer to be linked to that particular unit for a in depth explanation of what is included in each resource pack.
This resource includes 6 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria.
● 10.1.1 Principles of data architecture: the set of rules that surround
data collection, input, access and movement:
● 10.1.2 Developments in reporting:
● 10.1.3 The key requirements of a data governance framework:
● 10.2.1 Management Information (MI) and its importance for measuring
performance, analysing trends, and in the decision-making process:
● 10.2.2 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its importance.
● 10.2.3 Big Data characteristics:
● 10.2.4 Big Data:
● 10.3.1 Methods/tools used to analyse finance and accounting data:
● 10.3.2 Visualisation tools for presenting and reporting on data:
● 10.3.4 Business Intelligence (BI) software and its impact on retrieving,
analysing, transforming and reporting data for business intelligence.
● 10.3.5 Advantages and disadvantages/risks of outsourcing data
10.4 Design thinking and its use as a tool to address challenges in the finance
● 10.4.1 Design thinking ethos: understanding customer needs and
putting these needs at the heart of every project, creating space and
platforms where project teams and end users naturally interact.
● 10.4.2 Alternative investment opportunities:
There are also 6 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
This resource for the Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 19: Pitching for a new Business
(All Learning Aims A-C) includes PowerPoints for all of the learning aims A-C
Learning aim A: Explore potential ideas for a micro-business start-up
Learning aim B: Develop a business plan for a viable micro-business start-up
Learning aim C: Carry out a pitch for funding for the chosen micro-business
Also included in this resource are exam style questions and worksheets, answer sheets for teachers to ease marking. As well as all of the above there are Kahoot style multiple choice quizzes that are great for instant Assessment for Learning.
24/07/2024 updated with templates and wireframes for learning aim criteria A, B & C assignments
Included in this bundle resource are 83 Teacher PowerPoints on the following units. More information on each resource can be found by either clicking on the image of that unit in the ‘Samples’ section or by clicking on the link I have posted below. There are also 83 student worksheets as well as teacher copies with suggested answers to ease the marking. As well as all of the above there are 13 interactive multiple choice quizzes created on PowerPoint that can be presented to your classes for quick assessment for learning.
Element 1: The business enviroment
Element 2: Careers within the accounting professions
Element 3 Regulation
Element 4 Professionalism and ethics/equality, divers
Element 5 Security & Risk
Element 6: Professional Services
Element 7 Fundamentals of Law
Element 8: Fundamentals of financial accounting 1
Element 9 Technology
Element 10 Data driven innovation analytics and design
Element 11 Research Skills
Element 12 Project/change management and administration
Element 13 Fundamental of Financial Accounting 2
All advertised elements can now be downloaded in this bundle.
Included in this bundle resource are 29 Teacher PowerPoints on the following units. More information on each resource can be found by either clicking on the image of that unit in the ‘Samples’ section or by clicking on the link I have posted below. There are also 29 student worksheets as well as teacher copies with suggested answers to ease the marking. As well as all of the above there are 5 interactive multiple choice quizzes created on PowerPoint that can be presented to your classes for quick assessment for learning.
Element 3 Regulation
Element 4 Professionalism and ethics/equality, divers
Element 5 Security & Risk
Element 7 Fundamentals of Law
Element 13 Fundamental of Financial Accounting 2
All advertised elements can now be downloaded in this bundle.
Included in this bundle resource are 54 Teacher PowerPoints on the following units. More information on each resource can be found by either clicking on the image of that unit in the ‘Samples’ section or by clicking on the link I have posted below. There are also 54 student worksheets as well as teacher copies with suggested answers to ease the marking. As well as all of the above there are 8 interactive multiple choice quizzes created on PowerPoint that can be presented to your classes for quick assessment for learning.
Element 1: The business enviroment
Element 2: Careers within the accounting professions
Element 6: Professional Services
Element 8: Fundamentals of financial accounting 1
Element 9 Technology
Element 10 Data driven innovation analytics and design
Element 11 Research Skills
Element 12 Project/change management and administration
All advertised elements can now be downloaded in this bundle.
This resource includes 9 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria.
● 13.1 The needs of different users of the main financial statements and the role
of ISA1 in supporting these needs
● 13.2 The differences between financial accounting, financial management and
management accounting
●13.3 The application of the conceptual framework in financial accounting
● 13.4 An understanding of the double entry principles and the accounting
● 13.5 The purpose and aims of the International Accounting Standards Board
● 13.6 The purpose and aims of the Pensions Administration Standards Association
● 13.7 The importance of professional judgement in accounting and payroll
● 13.8 How professional ethics are applied by accounting professionals
● 13.9 How professional scepticism may influence the judgements and decisions
made by auditors
There are also 9 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
This resource includes 5 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria.
12.1 The features of project management approaches in accounting contexts
12.2 The structure and responsibilities within a project team
12.3 The drivers of change in an accounting context (x2)
12.4 The principles of managing change in an accounting context
There are also 5 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.